Monday, 9 November 2015

this is not art (this is)

some big graffiti demands your attention like an annoying child.  
sometimes its nice to have one around that doesn't shout "clap me! clap me!"

this Allen Ginsberg sticker has been watching over Portswood, Southampton for years.
noticed and unnoticed at the same time.

part of the street furniture
and as Ginsberg said "Whoever controls the media, the images, controls the culture"
so some nameless slap-up guy is controlling the culture of Portswood.
well done, guy

just over the way on Adelaide Road is an-anti-art statement

this is not art

this is

and who am I to disagree

I've said it before and I'll say it again: sometimes simplest is best

here's fake Banksy again - a flipped copy of a real Bnaski by @Bingodisco
and another piece by by @Bingodisco
(thanks to @jipcr2em for the info)

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