Sunday, 8 November 2015

hang him on your wall

Andy Warhol, Korupt, Southampton

Andy Warhol used to put in regular appearances at The Corn Poppy but he's not been around for a little while.  This morning I turned a corner and there he was, lovingly stencilled by Korupt.  I turned another corner and there was another echo of Andy.

This was painted on the wall of a florist.  Obviously it could have been painted by a child. Or a florist.  But you and I know it is based on Warhol's Flowers

Here's the corner and there's the shop.  Scents of Occasion.

Here's Warhol in situ:

Not overstated at all.  Keeping a low profile you might say. Not doing anything to stand out from the crowd.

and on remembrance day here's a poppy from The Corn Poppy

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