Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Art from the street

 Found art, Mitch, Hampshire 2015

Street art can take many forms; sometimes it is shouting out loud "look at me, I'm Art I am".  Other times it is just lying there waiting to be found.  

serendipity doo dah, Hampshire 2014

Sometimes someone has gone to a lot of trouble creating Art, sometimes it just happens by happy accident.

streaming dreaming, 2015

Sometimes you can go to a lot of trouble creating an image.  Sometimes it was there all of the time.

Six word novel, Woolston, 2015

Some people put a lot of thought, skill and commitment into graffiti.  Other people manage to be more succinct.

 Xmas plug, Carnaby St, Christmas 2014

Sometimes street art is commercial.

 Boycott Israhell, London 2014

Sometimes street art is political.

 Car Art, Tony, Southampton, 2014

Sometimes street art is mobile.

 Old shop sign, Eastleigh
Sometimes it is hidden.

Yarn bomb, Woolston

Sometimes it keeps a low profile.

M27 bridge, Lower Swanwick

Sometimes it is still practising

Samer, Avenue Subway, 2014

Sometimes it should be in a gallery.

A27 Bridge, Bursledon, 2014

Sometimes it shouldn't.

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