Friday, 19 December 2014

true love is not a crime

BS1, Feek, Bristol
I dreamed that love was a crime

I was alone, so lonely and blue
You know why?

SPZero76, Dean Lane, Bristo
 Because eight men and four women

Lord, they found me guilty of loving you (loving you)

assorted, Dean Lane, Bristol

 As they were taking me away

You were taking
I saw you when you were taking the witness stand
You know what?

tribute to Matt Mibsy Hibbert, King of Paint, collab Inkie and Cheo

I heard the lawyer when he asked you, my love

"Do you really love that man?"

tribute to Mibsy, Deams, Stolkes Croft, Bristol

 It was eight men and four women (guilty)

How could they be so blind (guilty)
How could they?

Isabella - - Bristol

 I know they sat there

And called true love a crime
This is what killed me

Silent Hobo, Bristol
But a tear rolled down my cheek

I felt so sorry for you
You know why?

Because in my heart I knew

Oh yes, baby I knew
That they would find you guilty too

 Judge, your honor and to the jury

 I intend to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt

That we are innocent

Lost Souls, SPZero76, Bristol
And true love is not a crime

 (Lord, that's the jury of love)
Lord, that's the jury of love
A mean judge, a mean jury, oh, that's the jury of love
(Lord, that's the jury of love)

(Lord, that's the jury of love)

Oh that's just the way it goes baby
They found me guilty of love

words:Eight men, four women, OV Wright. 1967
images: art from Bristol, UK, 2014

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