Sunday, 9 November 2014

Together in Solitude - Midge & My Dog Sighs (1)

Paste up by Midge & My Dog Sighs, Southsea, November 2014

This week sees a joint exhibition featuring two Southsea artists, My Dog Sighs and Midge.  Here's the hard sell:

After testing the water with a campaign of street art collaborations My Dog Sighs and Midge have decided to join forces in their home town of Portsmouth for a collaborative solo exhibition.   

Detail from The Heart Bowed Down by Midge & My Dog Sighs, 2014

Midge's quiet and emotive characters blended with the melancholic faces of MyDogSighs are a perfect match. Painted on locally sourced antique Music sheet, hidden narratives run through both the music titles and the intricately painted scenes that echo a softness, and sometimes sadness, causing thoughts of longing, love and loss.

Ever of thee I'm fondly dreaming, My Dog Sighs & Midge, 2014

The venue is the Coastguard, a Southsea pub recently converted into a gallery space. The show will be the inaugural exhibition in this exciting new creative venue.   

The Heart Bowed Down, My Dog Sighs & Midge, 2014

Proud of the city and the support it has given them both, Midge and Mydog have aimed to make this exhibition as Portsmouth-centric as possible. Materials, printing, framing and kind sponsorship from local breweries and businesses have meant that entire show has been planned and produced, sourced and inspired within Portsea island.

Together in Solitude, My Dog Sighs and Midge

Together in Solitude, Celestial Season

There'll be more My Dog Sighs over the next few posts

 My Dog Sighs, Portsmouth

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