Sunday, 24 August 2014

Tickleford Gully Art Show

welcome back my friends 
to the show that never ends

Tickleford Gully Art Show is now open (Closes promptly at 5:00pm).  
Refreshments available.

 The Corn Poppy's silly sisters

The Unders 10s Portrait Painting Competition was won by Charlotte - can you tell which one was hers?  An appointment with the school psychologist has been made for Harry (can you guess which one is his?).

A world big enough for Andy Warhol and Jean Michel Basquiet is big enough for the Tickleford Gully Silver Surfers Art Group.

Henry Perky (above left) was disqualified for plagiarism, judges feeling that his picture of the window of the village pub relied heavily on the entry from Lionel Bloom (above right).  Can't see it myself, but, then, I'm no judge.

Lighthouses featured heavily in the landscape section, mainly because they're striking looking and relatively easy to paint - it's just a red strip, then a white one, then another red one and a poiny bit on top.

In the abstract department "Cakes for cancer" (above) was walkaway winner.

Winner of the Tickleford Prize was "Two Tiny Selves" (above).  Subtitled "(sleeping, side by side)" it caught the mood of the room perfectly.

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